Explore nature close to home with a Straub Environmental Center educator! This 90-minute guided outing for the whole family will highlight the animals, trees and plants that live in the park. Meet the critters of Glen Creek and Grandpa Oak Tree. Learn about our local Brush Rabbits as we walk through rabbit meadow. This outing will take place weather permitting; please bring shoes and clothing suitable for wet conditions, water and a snack. Passport to Nature outings take place on the 4th Saturdays of each month through October.
Cost: Cost: $5 for 1 child | $10 for 2 children | $15 for 3 or more children ages 4-17. Includes a nature journal for each child. Adults and children 3 and under are free.
Location: Meet at the main parking lot and look for the Passport to Nature sign. Please arrive a few minutes early.
To register, call 503-779-5227 or email info@straubcenter.org.